Tuesday, April 30, 2013

DIY Junkie

I literally spend the majority of my life looking at homes, decorating, and cute little ideas for homes. 
Apps like Pinterest and Houzz have been the first things my fingers go to when I have down time. 
I literally just sit there... and look at houses and rooms... for hours. And save images. (My roommate calls me an Interior Junkie)
So that's why at work, I get to play on Pinterest and share all the adorable DIY Dorm Ideaswith the world and all of those coming to school who need inspiration on making their rooms perfect!

For all of you who don't have a Pinterest, please save yourselves and get one now... then go follow UT Tyler and be ready to get inspired.
You'll become obsessed sooner than you know. 
I can't even get off of it. 

 A couple of favorites....

Who doesn't think these are genius? And so cute...


Monday, April 29, 2013

Before School Ends Checklist

The end of the semester is fast approaching and I know we all look over stuff when there are a BILLION things to do and get done. So this is just a friendly reminder to do these two things before school ends!

 Do your course evaluation!
1. log on to your myUTTYLER
2. go to your student center

3. click on evaluate my course
If you do this, you will receive your grades EARLIER on May 16th and be put in a drawing for an Ipad mini!

Check your to do list!
It is on the other side of the page on Student Center

If you have SCHOLARSHIP for the SUMMER TERM be sure to write your letter of appreciation so it can be disbursed to you! Along with all the things under your to do list. If you do not do this then you can loose the scholarship :( sad day

If tax transcript is listed under your to do list all you have to do is..
1. go to IRS.gov
2. click "order a return or account transcript"
3. log in with your credentials ( you will need your social for this!)
4. Also if you are a dependent (meaning you are still under your parents) they would need their credentials and order another transcript for them as well
6. Remember to choose the option for  return transcript and NOT account transcript! 
 It takes 5-10 days for this to be mailed at your permanent address so plan ahead if you are only living at Tyler for college. You would need to plan on how to get that mail and turn it in to the One Stop Shop since they will send it to your HOME ADDRESS! 

Obviously there are more things that could be on your to do list but the tax transcript as well as the scholarships are the most common ones to be on it. Just remember to try and make time to do this just so you don't have to come back up to the campus and worry about it during the summer :)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Fandoms, Respect, and You at UT Tyler

Fandoms and You

   Being a kid in college is all about finding out what you like, dislike, and what you can listen to in polite conversation without losing your cool. You’ll be around different people talking about a variety of subjects, from TV shows, to bands, and even Professors that people prefer, etc…

  An example that I think is relevant as an example would be the fact that Doctor Who is back on the TV channels, now will into what is actually the middle of its 7th Season. The series is awesome, however it is a show that is also highly dependent on understanding certain aspects of the series: The Doctor has changed actors many, many times because he undergoes ‘regeneration’ after he dies, ie: the show pops in a new start when the previous one wants a way out. The Doctor ( who is an alien ) always has a human companion with whom he shares his weird/amazing adventures.

    I have encountered people who lovingly welcome newcomers into this fandom while on campus here at UTT. It’s a popular show, has a lot of fun, geeky appeal, and it’s a hoot. Sometimes, however, people go too far into their ‘fandoms’ and they can become negative, even rude, when somebody disagrees with something about the show while engaging in conversation. Or, worse, sometimes people ridicule and scoff at others for talking gleefully about their favorite things/hobbies. While I have always been a very large believer in the fact that most people don't care about D&D enough to mock it, I have on occasion heard the rare jape or mocking comment from a person. While it doesn't expressly bother me, it can bother others and it might
then become harder for the person who got offended to raise their voice about what they like in the future.

   I must also admit - I have been the mocker, on occasion. I have never meant anything outwardly by my tone except to be overly dramatic for comedic flavor, but I have insulted people's own fandoms because I might not have A) Liked the writing style of the book somebody talked about, B) Disliked something because of an external factor irreverent to the fandom in question, or C) I was inadvertently just being an ass.  This has been very big with Twilight and ( sometimes ) Harry Potter. I need to always be aware that people don't find me funny all the time and that not everyone needs my comments. My writing this blog is to make sure people I know are aware that if I can't tolerate that from others, I shouldn't do it either!

Friday, April 26, 2013

We're Hiring at UT Tyler

Do you like talking with your friends via Facebook? Do you enjoy pinning interesting craft projects on Pinterest? Do you spend hours a day scrolling through Tumblr? Do you have your own blog? Whenever you speak publicly or present a project are you commended on your exquisite oratory and interpersonal skills? If you answered yes to any of these questions then we want you here at then Communications Team.

All Smiles

Here at the Communications Team at the University we strive for excellence in communication skills and marketing. We are a close knit group who work with each other to succeed any time an obstacle appears in our path. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO….. If you are interested in joining the Communications Team, look no farther than Patriot Jobs.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

When Things Don't Go As Planned...

     So, that feeling when everything just kind of goes crazy, life goes 100 mph and you just don't understand how you got to the situation you are now? See I was told that this happens around the middle of your college career... and that is exactly how this last semester of Sophomore year went.


We Want YOU... to Work at UT Tyler!

Being in college, most of your parents are going to cut you off, or at least give you less money than they used to (as my mother has done). 
I have to beg her for a little $20, but that money disappears quick.

So getting a job was imperative. However, I have a really busy school schedule and no transportation. So I started looking on Patriot Jobs for jobs on campus. 

There are all kinds of awesome jobs to do on campus. I happen to love my job in the communications center, but if I could pick ANY other job, it would be to work in the Visitor Center. 
...and they happen to be hiring right now.

In the Visitor Center you'll get to work with all kinds of people, you'll get the amazing job of giving tours to prospective students, and just getting paid to share your experience and knowledge of your school with people. 
It's a fun job it looks like, and so simple. 
Plus, you'll be working on campus so that means no traffic worries, no worrying about your schedule interfering with studying, and you won't be working nights. On campus jobs are the best just because they cater to you as a student, but still allow you to make a pretty good salary. 

Imagine all the people you'd get to meet working for the Visitor Center? I'd love to do it. But hurry, because applications get sent in pretty quick. 
Check out Patriot Jobs to apply to work for the Visitor Center quickly!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Course Evaluations!

I just want to remind all the students here at UT Tyler to do a course evaluation online. You can find the course evaluation on your “myuttyler” account under student home page and then "system access". This is very important for each and every department because it gives the professors an opportunity to recognize their performance from a student point of view! It’s completely anonymous, but the head of the department gets to review those and make their department even better.
Some of the advantages from doing a course evaluation online are that the student gets to see their grades earlier than the students who don’t take the time to do the evaluation. Everyone will have till May 6th to finish up their course evaluation online and then be able to see their grades starting May 16. The others who don't complete the evaluation have to wait until May 22! Everyone wants early access to your grades! Also, when you're taking the evaluation, here are two pointer to make sure its submitted correctly:

- Make sure you get a congratulations message on the screen - only then will you be completely finished!
- Be sure to answer all questions for each class. The Submit button will not work if any questions are missed!
Another reminder to end this semester smoothly is that students need to make sure and look at the final's schedule online! You don’t want to miss your final by not getting to class on time or don’t want any confusion on when and what time your each final will be held. Since everyone worked so hard to maintain a great semester, take this opportunity to organize yourself with the final schedule.
Plan your schedule accordingly since finals are just a week away!
Avoid last minute hassle!
Be on time!
Study hard!
And Good Luck everyone!

F.A.Q: How to See Your Enrollment To-Do List

New students and applicants, this one is for you. I’ve explained many, many times on calls to my perspective student friends how you can check if you still owe the University of Texas at Tyler any of your paperwork or items so that we can finish processing your application and you can get a quick response from the university about whether you have been granted acceptance.

While I still have no problem explaining how to access this fabled to-do list, I thought it might help if I could give you a visual step-by-step instruction post on how to find it!

Step 1: Locate your email you should have received with your login information and open it so you have the information ready.

Step 2: Go to the My Uttyler webpage pictured below and enter your information OR set up your account if you haven’t done so.

Step 3: On the next page once you have entered your info, click on the “Student Home Page” tab

Step 4: When the sections have loaded, click on the “Student Center” link under the System Access box at the top right.

Step 5: Congrats! You’re on the right page. Now look on the right side and see if it says “No To Do’s.” If not, we still need whatever’s listed there!

  • ! If you get an “error has occurred” screen, refresh your page and try your information one more time. If that doesn't work, send an Email to itsupport@uttyler.edu  or call them at (903)565-5555
  • And remember you should never send your password.
  • ! Email any other technical issues you may send them into to the same email.
  • ! If you need help with any of your To Do list items, call the One Stop Enrollment Shop at (903) 566-7180
  • ! If you need any advice or suggestions, comment below or call us any time at the Admissions Call Center.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Why we blog! vlog

  Our jobs have a many different aspects that we do in large of our main goal which in my opinion is to connect with prospective and current students by different outlets of communication.
 One of our most known outlets is this blog. I've been at this job for over a year now and I think this is the first time I've actually addressed why I blog mostly because getting in front of the camera is one of my least favorite things to do.
   Since I am a seasoned blogger on here, and have been apart of many of the video blogs we put on this wonderful blog. I can say with enough established skill and knowledge of the subject, that this is one of the nicest quality filming i've done and the content is pretty awesome also.
     So now go watch it! please and thank you :)

Choosing a Major at UT Tyler: EEEK!!!

So maybe you’re a freshman, just out of high school and you aren’t sure what direction you want to go with your college career. Or, maybe you’re an upperclassman who has discovered your dream to be a physics expert just isn’t working out. Whatever the case may be, whenever you find yourself floundering for a college major, it can be really scary.

To be honest with you guys, I came with a major in mind and scrapped it almost immediately, and remained undecided until last semester. Finally, I decided to major in Political Science here at The University of Texas at Tyler, only to hit another wall, and I’m considering changing my major again. I can tell you, finding your niche is not easy!

Luckily, I learned about this neat service our campus provides. If you’ve never seen it, we have a Student Counseling Center (Check out Michael's blog on getting support you need, here) up on the third floor of the University Center, and they offer a service called CareerCounseling, where you can walk in, make an appointment, and have several sessions in which you speak to a counselor and take a couple of assessments to determine some of your interests and personal strengths. 

The assessments I took were the STRONG interest inventory, and the Meyers-Brigg personality test. 

Once you take the tests, you can discuss your results and bounce some ideas with your counselor, and by the end, I know I felt like I was one step closer to finding my ideal career. The best part is, the service is completely free to students. 

The Headaches are Common

I’m still having a large amount to reconsider, though. I guess what you need to know is that it’s not terribly important to have a major especially for your first years. Taking your basic classes will be more than enough to keep most students busy! 

So, moral of the story, don’t freak out if you don’t know what to do with yourself. You’ll figure it out, and there are so many people in your boat, and many more who want to help. Don’t give up, and look at coming to college as an adventure! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Open Mic at Stanley's

Stanley's BBQ hosts a wide variety of musical acts every Wednesday and Friday night to help digest one of their brother-in-law sandwiches or brisket tacos. On Thursdays starting at 6 PM they host a unique kind of open mic night...Every Thursday at 6 PM the stage lights turn blue and people are invited to bring their guitars and play the blues in and open mic jam session. The one I attended just this past week featured The Texas Soul Shakers as the backing band for anyone ready to lay down some feels.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Spring Party at UT Tyler

Recently SGA hosted their annual 80's themed spring party! As a senator, of course I attended and had a great time. I got little clips of everything that was going on and compiled it into a little montage for all of you(:
(It's my first vlog, be nice)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Supplemental Instruction at The University of Texas at Tyler is...

       Supplemental Instruction is awesome! Basically, SI is a weekly study session taught by another student for certain, more difficult, classes. The study sessions are taught by students who have previously taken that course, and made a very good grade.
       Last semester none of my classes had a SI leader, but this semester I'm taking history! So I can go to the SI session now if I need help studying anything before tests! Not only can you study for tests, but you can also compare notes with other students, and get a better understanding of what your class is learning!
       Your SI leader, like I said before, is a student who has already taken the class, so they know what to expect out of the class. Also, they regularly sit during your class so that they can see how your professor is teaching!! If you go to your sessions regularly, you have a better chance at making a good grade than people who don't go!
       Last night, I went to my first SI session ever. I went because they were going to be talking about the test that we had today. When I went, I found a lot of resources that I could use to help study for this test! We had everything from a study guide to a practice test available! Honestly, I believe that had I not gone to this session, I would have not even known what to study for. I usually have a difficult time studying, but I have learned a few study tips just by going to SI!
       SI sessions are held every week, and the leader will set up the session according to which times are best for the students. The sessions are very casual! I definitely recommend that you go if there is a session available for your class!!

       Have any of you guys ever gone to SI before? What was your experience like? Leave us a comment below! :)

Experimental Poetry, Self-Discovery, and Refining Art Through One’s Profession

Experimental Poetry, Self-Discovery, and Refining Art Through One’s Profession 

For what it’s worth, I love the writing of Neil Gaiman, Grant Morrison, and Steve Moffat ( well, his TV writing anyway ) because they are ‘bizarre.’ Their writing isn't gross, or creepy ( well Gaiman has hit some creepy chords in his time ), rather their work is experimental and comes from as much of their personal lives as their imaginations. Gaiman has included his friends ( turned into characters ) into his books; Morrison turned his father into Superman; Moffat has written his dialogues with his wife into comedy routines.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Life Lessons from Grad School at UT Tyler

About a month ago I posted about the Final Frontier for those interested in an M.A.in History from the University of Texas at Tyler. The Frontier is full of reading books, writing reviews on them, discussing their relevance and importance, and finally constructing a complete historiography on the gathered information. But why do you care? Why do I care? Is anyone honestly still reading this or am I beating a dead horse?

To be perfectly honest I am not the least bit offended if you are bored. Most people are when it comes to history. For most there is a general disregard of important facts that may bore but still are of vital importance. We are a society of which lives on LEGEND and MYTH.

What does this mean? Well, I take this from Robert Wuhl and his “Assume the Position with Mr.Wuhl” film in which he lectures a freshman 1301 course and debunks several myths and fallacies concerning American history. Such as the legend of Paul Revere and his midnight ride. In high school classrooms we base our entire understanding of this event through a poem written nearly 100 years after the fact. If that was the way historians critically analyzed historical events we would be using the musical 1776 to better understand what Thomas Jefferson sounded like when he spoke.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fresh, Local, NOW! - The changing shape of food availability in Tyler, Tx


Written by Carmen Sosa & Jason Reagan - Edited by Michael Hale

  I moved back to Tyler not too long ago and I was dismayed by the lack of access to fresh, local fruits and vegetables. Being a supporter of local farms and artisan food producers I found myself sometimes driving over 100 miles around east Texas to purchase the things I love...fruits, veggies, honey, organic eggs, grass-fed beef, raw milk & cheese, and other farm-fresh goodies. As I built relationships with farmers and shared their information with my friends, I saw the need to compile the information and start getting the community interested in our local food system. So...I created a Facebook group called ‘Fresh.Local.Tasty.’ [exactly as it appears here!]

Monday, April 15, 2013

Mutants & Candy-men ~ A Look At Adventure Time & Wizards

Mutants & Candy-men ~ A Look At Adventure Time & Wizards

Michael Hale & Patrick Saikin

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Annual Crawfish Boil at UT Tyler!

Kicks off Patriot Days with crawfish boil!!!!

If you are on campus at 11:30 on Monday, April 14th, come down to Harvey Deck and enjoy crawfish!

Unfortunately, last year I was not able to go to because of work but tomorrow, OH! IT. IS. ON!
I plan to go there with friends RIGHT after our class. But try to get there early if you are impatient, cause the line gets long FAST!

I hope you guys can make it for some yummy crawfish!

PS. If you are like me and you really don't want to see shells of crawfish around campus ground, not interested in the smell or flies, please do clean up after yourself! We have trash can around campus guys! Let's utilize them !:)

Also check out the Patriot Days page for scheduled events throughout the week!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Check Out Art in the Park- Downtown Tyler

Here at UT Tyler, we seriously support stuff that goes on around town. I always look forward to warmer months, because we have many art shows that come around. 

This Saturday, from 10am until 4pm, Art in the Park will be happening! 

  • This is the fourth annual Art in the Park at the Goodman LeGrand Museum! I've been to this event the last two years, and it seems to be growing. 

    Tons of local artists from the East Texas area will be there. There will also be live music from DJ Knight and Maegen Brooks. You can even tour the historic home. 

    recommend checking out local art shows like this! I'll snap some pictures when I go. :) 

Intercultural Communication Project at UT Tyler

This semester, I'm taking a class called Intercultural Communication, and we were asked to research different holidays and choose one to talk to the class about. We had twelve people in our group, so we did a two part video.

After seeing the other group's videos, I'm going to ask permission to post them.
They are much more creative than our party footage, but check it out anyway! We had a lot of fun.

...we thought real tomatoes would be too messy.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My experience at the Spring 2013 Job Fair!

As promised, I came back to share my experience with you guys at the job fair I went to today here at UT Tyler. This job fair was really important for me because I am in the middle of finding an internship. And the University Center was packed with so many people looking for the opportunity to explore their options.
This job fair was held in UC ballroom and outside the ballroom; they had name tags with their major for people who had already registered for job fair online. They also had a table for people who did not get a chance to register online and can register for it on the spot.
When I entered the ballroom, I was introduced to a girl who gave me an overall idea on what was going on. She asked me my major and directed me to the tables that she though would be in my best interest.
The first table I went to was of course the ETMC, where I learned that unfortunately they didn’t have any positions open, but they did take my resume and told me to keep an eye on their website for any available positions for future. Next I went to the UT Health Clinic table, where they had a lot of positions opened for a job, but not anything for an intern. After browsing through so many other marketing and retailer companies, I finally stopped at The Trinity Mother Frances table. The lady at that table gave me a lot of useful information about what I can do to apply for my internship there.
So even though, I didn’t come out with what I was looking for, it was a really nice experience to just meet different people and the employers.
Leave a comment and share about your experience at the job fair!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Advice to My CAP Students Coming to UT Tyler

CAP Students always want to know if it's hard, how the program is, etc.

I'm a current CAP student as well and this August I am 98% sure that I will have the GPA to allow me to go to Austin. (Fingers crossed. There's a month of school left)
That being said, I'm going to let ya'll in on a little secret...
It's not that hard. I promise.

Coming to college is NOTHING like going to high school. In high school, you had homework everyday, you'd get ready for tests every week, and blahblahblah. 

My first week here I swear, I was near tears thinking about how I wished I could just drop out. I couldn't handle it. It felt like soooo much. It's not even because we have more work, it's just so different from what I was used to.

Luckily, I stayed and I got the hang of everything.

It's all about time management and being on top of your assignment due dates and test dates. So PLEASE read your syllabus and have a calendar of everything you need to turn in. Your professor won't remind you like your high school teachers did.

Certain classes you find the best ways to pass them. 

English classes - Essays and papers are important. You have the Writing Center for that.
Math classes- Go to class. Do well on quizzes and you'll do awesome on the tests.
Science classes- Go to lab. 
Psychology- Read the book. Do the online studies. Read the notes.
History classes- GO TO LECTURES. And read the book. Go to SI. History's pretty hardcore here.
Political Science classes- Go to class. The professors tell you everything you need to know. 

 First semester I did awesome. Even though I was meeting all my new friends and had days when I really did NOT want to get out of bed or walk all the way to class, I would make myself do it. First semester I was SO motivated, because all I was thinking of was Austin. 

Second semester... ehhhh. You get into the hang of things. Once you get comfortable you start slacking, I won't lie. 

Please don't do this. You still have to maintain a 3.2 GPA. So you still have to do well! And if you're anything like me, that just means you have to do EXCELLENT your first semester so that you CAN chill out a bit your second semester. However, with my major, I don't have to apply to any particular college in Austin. I'm automatically accepted. 

For those business majors and other majors where you have to get into a special college, you'll need a higher GPA. And make sure you get your essays and everything done on time. Keep in touch with our Admissions counselor, Carlos Alvarez. He'll look out for you.

There are a LOT of CAP students who come here. Everyone comes in with the mindset that, "Oh, it's just two semesters, it's just a year, blahblahblah", however, some people end up really loving Tyler. I know a lot of my friends who have decided that they're going to stay here. You meet all these amazing people, we're at a really good school, and this type of environment just ends up suiting you. 

Don't ever feel bad about wanting to stay. It happens to a lot of us. 

So, to all of you, congratulations and good luck! I didn't know anything about Tyler when I chose it as my university. I just knew it sounded bigger than my other choices. I ended up falling in love with this school. I've enjoyed my time here and I truly believe they've helped prepare me for Austin. 

Come, work hard, study, and have fun! You can do it! Just don't forget to truly experience Tyler while you're here!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Spring 2013 Job Fair at UT Tyler!

I am pretty excited about the upcoming job fair here at UT Tyler. For everyone who is seeking for internships or even to get an idea on how to seek employers should come to the University Center on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 from 11 am till 2 pm.
I am definitely looking forward to this because I am in the process of finding an internship and this job fair is keeping my hopes up right now.
You can also bring your resume and let the career services look at your resume. Trust me, it is definitely worth the career services to look at your resumes because they can guide you to the right direction for you career options.
And of course, for the people who are looking for a job in campus, please try to take some time out on Wednesday from 11 to 2 and come to this job fair, it will give you an idea on where to start. These is a really great opportunity that UT Tyler offers every semester for students, and we all should take advantage of this and try to get to know the employers. Let them know on where you see yourself in future. It is very important to communicate to the employers who are looking for students from UT Tyler.
Spread the word; come join us at UC on Wednesday from 11am to 2pm. And hopefully I will be able to find my internship there.

I will definitely come back here to blog about my experience on Wednesday and would love to hear it from everyone as well. See you there!

The GRE-What-Now? at UT Tyler

      One of the most important tests a person can take on their path to obtaining a Masters Degree is the Graduate Record Examination, ie: The GRE. This test is a vital component with the transition between Undergraduate and Graduate Programs, however there is a lot of information to know.

Masters of Illusion Live at UT Tyler!

       Anytime there is an event going on at the Cowan Center, I try my very best to make it. I really enjoyed watching the Broadway productions put on this year, and I'm very eager to see what the rest of the semester holds in store for us!

       Next week on Thursday, April 11th, the Cowan Center will be hosting the Masters of Illusion - Live!! I've never heard of this group before, but from what I can tell so far based on what the description of the show is, they're pretty awesome!! Basically, it seems to me that this is going to be kind of like a magic show or circus type of thing!

When I was in elementary school, magicians and illusionist would come to my school once a year and put on a show for us. I was always amused when I got to see them! 

       I also used to go to the Circus when they came to town. One of the main reasons that I stopped going is because clowns really freak me out. Like REALLY. But I'm sure that there will be no clowns at this show.

       I'm very much so looking forward to seeing these stage magicians put on their best to wow us. The show will take place in the main auditorium at the Cowan Center here on campus. It starts at 7:30, and students can get free tickets with their student ID. Hope to see you all there!

       Have any of you guys ever seen a magic show, or seen Masters of Illusion before? Leave a comment below and let us know!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

My College Experience

       The semester's end is drawing nearer and nearer. My Freshman year is going to be over in 6 short weeks!! So, I decided that I would write a blog reflecting back on my first year in college!

       Before I moved here to UT Tyler, I was living in a house with six other people. I have a very big family, so I was not used to being on my own whenever I moved away from home. I was used to always having a part of my family around me. So that was one of the very first adjustments that I had to make.

       I didn't know what else to expect when it came to college. I was the first person in my family to go to a university. Another thing that I had to get accustomed to, was trying to manage my time. Time management has never been so important and critical to me. I learned over time how to balance school, work, and having a social life. It took a while and a lot of mistakes, but I got there.

       One of the great things about living right here on the campus was that I could interact with other first time freshman very easily. I met very many people over the course of the first two weeks that I was here. Now, many of those people are my friends! And friends are an important thing to keep close, especially in difficult times, like moving to college.

       Overall, I believe that I did quite a bit of learning this year, both academically and just about myself. College is so different than anything else I have experienced, yet it's one of the best things that I have ever done. I honestly don't know what I would be doing if I wasn't at college. Responsibility plays a much bigger role in my life than it ever had before!

       So, for all of you high school seniors out there who don't know what to expect from college, don't worry. The next four (or more) years of your life are very well going to be some of the best years of your life! Sure, it might be different at first, but like everything else, takes some getting used to!

       If any of you ever need any kind of advise about college, or wants to share your freshman experience, you can leave a comment below! :)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Experience Becoming a Freshman at UT Tyler prt. 1: Housing

Coming to a new place is always terrifying, obviously.
I had no idea what to expect moving hours away from my home and family to Tyler. I tried to do a lot of research and see where I was going to live, what there was to do, what the people might be like, everything.

Every time I come to work I feel awesome that I can help someone with making their college experience by sharing mine. However, some people don't know to call or what to ask when we're on the phone with them.

So here are some things I had questions about when it came to  making decisions about financial aid to housing to just where to hang out.

If I tried to stuff all of that information into one blog, it would be way too long, so here is the topic for today: 

Housing was one of the things I was most excited about getting done. I was so ready and so excited to get out of my house and be on my own (no offense Mommy). 
There are a lot of options when it comes to living on or off campus.
It's required here at UT Tyler that freshman live on-campus if they live more than 50 miles away.
I know it's a good money saver to live at home and commute if you live close enough, but your freshman year I definitely feel like you should live on campus. 
That's not to say that you won't have a good experience living off-campus at all, because I have a lot of friends that commute here. (You'll be the one everyone calls for their kitchen and when people want to go out on weekends)

But when you take into account convenience and parking and just the freshman college experience, I'm so thankful I live on-campus.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

5 more weeks at UT Tyler!!

As I was registering for classes for fall semester, I came to realize that we only have 5 more weeks left till summer. This is kind of scary because that means only 4 more weeks till finals

That just absolutely scares me because I am a #1 procrastinator. This semester has been really long for me and just can’t wait till it’s over in May. Even though I won’t be able to get a long summer vacation because I’m registered for summer 2 classes, I am still looking forward to ending this semester smoothly.
I think this is the time when everyone should be sorting out their last minute assignments and getting ahead of their agenda. I am trying to study for my finals to avoid last minute pressure. And I think everyone should start doing that as well. Especailly for all the procrastinators out there. It will all be worth it at the end.
Remember guys, the finals seems far but it’s not!
Let’s finish this semester and start planning out our summer 2013!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bingo Night at UT Tyler!

UT Tyler CAB (Campus Activities Board) recently held a Bingo Night here at the Patriot Zone. 
The first night I didn't go because I was busy and in all honesty, bingo has never appealed to me. 

When I got back to my room, my roommate started raving about bingo night and all the awesome prizes they had, and etc. So she told me I HAD to go to the next one, and thanks to the awesome job I have that allows me to check out campus events (and get paid for it), I went to my first Bingo Night.

It was in our Patriot Zone and open to all students. They had a table FULL of prizes. A lot more people went than I expected. 

Now, playing bingo when I would play bingo as a little girl I never won ANYTHING. 

The first round we played, guess who the winner was? ME! 

I was so excited. However, you can only win once to give everyone an equal chance.
Which was fine. I didn't mind. Because I still won first, making me the Bingo Queen. 

When there are more Bingo Nights, trust that the (self-proclaimed) Bingo Queen will definitely be in attendance. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Japan: A Culinary Enrichment Experience

Here at our fine campus, the Center for Global Education via the GATE (Global Awareness Through Education) Program has been offering an awesome experience every semester for foodies in an event called Foods of the World.

So far, we’ve had three other events like this one, each of which featured desserts, street foods, and high tea. This semester, in light of the impending trip to Japan that the GATE 13’ students are about to undertake, we partook in delectable dishes that one would expect to see on a visit to the country.

There were many interesting things to try that evening, all foods being catered from the local Japanese restaurant Yamato (Which I recommend to any fan of Japanese cuisine).  Some of the selection included:
  • Udon Noodles
  • Fried Rice
  • A selection of cooked sushi, including crunch shrimp rolls, citrusy fish rolls, California rolls, cream cheese and crab rolls, among others
  • Vegetable tempura
  • Chicken tempura (A dish that a Japanese woman declared to be decidedly non-traditional)

Unfortunately, none of the raw delicacies that are so trademark in the Japanese culture were able to be offered simply because it was difficult to plan it out and keep it safe to eat.

The event took place in the UC Theatre lobby area, where plates, napkins, chopsticks, and seating were provided and the event was free to the public! It was a really fun experience to try new and delicious foods from a country that has always held my interest.

If you’re as much of a fan of new cultural culinary experiences, don’t miss out on this bi-annual occurrence. I have no idea what the next one will have in store, but I can guarantee that you won’t want to miss it!

Monday, April 1, 2013

News From What About Kabob in Tyler

Here at the Call Center we have written several blogs in the past concerning local eatery What About Kabob. It’s probably because this gyro place is so darn tasty. I’m pretty sure a majority of the communications team here at UT Tyler have dreamed of bathing in their Grenade Sauce. So, it is no surprise that one of would be mentioning it yet again.

Local hot spot What About Kabob has something special in store for all of you. Now I’m not talking about their delicious Feta Fingers which run out faster than you can say gluten free hummus or the special $1 tacos which you have to follow them on Facebook to know about. Or the Wednesday only Gyro Nachos which I personally could not finish in the hour I allotted myself (fresh baked pita ships with nacho cheese and gyro meat and gargle drool fkjaslifjo) Excuse me while I collect myself.

Mmmmm. TACOS RULE!!!