Tuesday, February 5, 2013

One Broke Girl

I recently just endured one of the most embarassing moments of my life.

Do you know what it feels like to have your card declined? How about when it's declined in front of your friend? How about when it's declined in front of your friend, your boyfriend, and ALL of McDonalds?

Well, that's what happened to me yesterday.
I go into McDonalds, I ask my boyfriend what he wants, trying to be awesome since he's always paying for me. I order two meals. I swear I have money because just Saturday I had my mom put in like $30. The meal comes out to be $14. I swipe my card and read the words, "TRANSACTION NOT APPROVED".

I start to freak out inside, but I calmly pull out my phone and go into my bank account... where there is only $12. (I forgot I had went to Walmart the day before and bought worthless junk)

I suppose I could have just asked the cashier to make the two meals I ordred into just sandwiches, but I had already tried to ball in front of everyone... so I took the low road.
I let my boyfriend pay.

And I was HUMILIATED. My friend relentlessly mocked me (because those are the types of friends I have), but I learned a lesson every college student needs to know.


Thankfully here at UT Tyler, it's only so often that I actually have to spend my own money. On campus we have free anything you can think of:
Free check-ups at the clinic,free gym membershipfree events. free food every once in a while, we have these cute little free movies on the lawn... and it's not old movies I would see at home on my VHS, no. They're good, NEWLY RELEASED movies, saving me an embarassing trip to the movie theatre.

My mother always says to me, "You're in college, you're supposed to be broke."
This doesn't make me feel any better, but I'm so happy that my school accomodates people like me so that I'm not withering away in my dorm room.

Remember to WISELY spend your money (going here helps), check your bank account when you go out, and don't be ashamed to rely on the kindness of your friends.


Keerin said...

Haha, girl, I know the feeling. Although I live at home with my mom still and I've lived around here my whole life, I've felt this too. It's scary and it sucks. And hey, I'd smack your friends lol.

Christina Gibson said...

Creating a budget is a great way to help make sure you aren't going over! Email me at christinagibson@uttyler.edu and I can give you some tips on how to start!

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