Saturday, June 9, 2012

Summer Break

I love college. Don't get me wrong. I love learning, I love class, and I even love writing papers. I'm a freak; I know. Yet, every university student needs a brain break every once in awhile. If we don't take time to reload, we have nothing to give in our academic environment. So, if you are free from class for summer one, like me (or all summer you lucky duck), take that time to do some things that you don't get a chance to while you are in school!
  • Sleep until you wake up! Forget setting that alarm! It feels good and gives your brain a chance to sort out all of those things you learn during the day.
  • Clean your car. If you're like me, it is covered in dust and full of books and junk. Cut that stuff out. It makes your life take longer. Same goes for your closet.
  • Learn things you don't get a chance to in school. Google some stuff. Check out some books from the library.Yup, the UT Tyler library is open during the summer!

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