Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Broke College Student's Guide to Inexpensive Fun Over the Holidays

With holidays approaching and the end of the semester so close we can almost taste it (I imagine it tasting like bacon. Yummy bacon), everyone is making plans for what they want for Christmas or how they want to spend their break. However, this time of the year can leave a student financially drained and exhausted. So what are we students to do? While the idea of sleeping for a few days sounds totally appealing after finals, the inevitable boredom begins to set in.
Bacon is always there for you
 Here are some fun and low cost things to do over your holiday break:

-        -  Read your favorite book from those childhood yesteryears. You know the ones that are collecting dust on that shelf back home!  My personal favorites include anything from the Cam Jensen Mysteries series or the Captain Underpants books.

-          -Visit a friend from high school or middle school that you may have not seen in a long time. With Facebook and other social networking venues, it can be quite easy to meet and catch up at a favorite childhood hangout spot. I did this with my neighbor (who became my best friend) over last summer and was amazed at how much we've both changed and flourished. 
Have we really changed that much?

-       -   Spend time with your parents. They may drive you crazy, but while you were growing up, they were growing old. Put your phone down and treasure these moments while they last. Remember that tomorrow is never guaranteed and there’s no better time than the present to enrich that relationship (or mend it if need be)

What is cuter than  pets getting along?
-       -Go for a walk and take pictures. Even if you’re not an outdoorsy person, it’s amazing how entrancing and Zen nature can be when you’re capturing those fleeting moments. Take a picture of that leaf on the patio table. Take a picture of your dog when she’s sleeping in that weird way she does. Like Pocahontas said, “have you ever heard a wolf cry to the blue corn moon?” Here’s your chance to do it! 

-          Get some friends or family together and have a good old fashioned Christmas movie night. There’s just something magic and bonding about everyone huddling together and singing all those familiar songs. (Charlie Brown’s “Christmas Time is Here”, anyone?) Being surrounded by your loved ones is the best way to spend an evening, right?

Be safe and stay warm over the holidays, readers :) 

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