I have to begin
this here by saying that my interest then in writing this is that you’ll do
more than just read this, close the window, and move on with your day.
I need you to start
dialogue with your friends, especially if you are a male. Talk to your older
friends, or even professors or specialists who work in fields such as Sexual Health and Crisis Counseling. My intent in requesting this is not because you
are unintelligent, or that you are not allowed to have your own opinions.
Be knowledgeable. Research
your facts and put your opinions in the public view to be played against the
opinions of others. Argue! It’s ok, so long as you are respectful. Make sure
you are holding onto your opinions because of factual evidence and belief.
* * *
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The character design for Quiet |
What started my desire to make this blog concerns the upcoming Metal Gear Solid game by Hideo Kojima. In a recent internet-bomb an
employee of 343 Industries commented on the nature of a character's design. The
character ( named 'Quiet,' either as
a literal name or a call-sign ) is a female sniper who will play a role in the
game's plot. The designer in question called the character designs
"disgusting" and it has prompted a variety of opinions through the
What I want to talk about concerns one aspect of this debate - I am concerned with how average college-aged males ( the target of this game ) respond to this. I want to talk about what ( in my opinion ) is or is not important to take away from seeing things like Quiet's character design in popular media. This trend has been very important recently in comics as well, especially with the back-forth issue of DC Comics and their female pants vs. no pants design issues for their characters.
What I want to talk about concerns one aspect of this debate - I am concerned with how average college-aged males ( the target of this game ) respond to this. I want to talk about what ( in my opinion ) is or is not important to take away from seeing things like Quiet's character design in popular media. This trend has been very important recently in comics as well, especially with the back-forth issue of DC Comics and their female pants vs. no pants design issues for their characters.

The idea that “sex
sells” is, sadly, a real one. The dominant culture of the kids who played video
games at the inception of the culture were men. In my opinion, video game
sexualization has reached a bizarre hybrid state that is stuck between being
brutally offensive in some areas and yet having women be in positions of genuine
power and authority in the games some of the more talked about characters
appear in.
One example of a
recent character in a video game that has sparked controversy is that of ‘Quiet,’
a female sniper from the next game in the Metal Gear Solid series. Quiet’s
character designs have her in clothes that many consider to be highly
fetishized and that Kojima himself requested this explicitly to exploit male
desires. Kojima’s own tweets do indeed convey the desire to see Quiet as an “erotic”
character … however, that wasn't apparently Kojima’s intent. He has designs on
sexy qualities that can be applied to male characters, machinery, and even
weapons. Given some of Kojima’s other designs, his words do not imply facts
that has already aimed for in games past.
Hideo Kojima’s full
expansion on his ideas ( which are worth reading in full ) can be found here.
* * *
My reading of this
situation has to raise a lot of questions, ones which might be hard to balance
out. Quiet
is a mute
character, hence she has a physical disability, however she is also (apparently)
an accomplished soldier/warrior who will be pivotal to the MGS universe. Is
that worth praising more than her outfit?
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Sniper Wolf, another character design used in the Metal Gear Solid universe in 1998 |
Given that we know
of no character qualities of Quiet yet, does it say more about us as gamers or
bloggers that there is an outcry that her character is sexualized when we know
nothing of how she will behave? Can this character design outcry be qualified
as slut-shaming, or is there a genuine need to bring designs like this to
public attention?
These are questions that need to be brought up and answered, both by the college-aged gaming public and by people of both genders. Progress might have difficult issues to tackle, but it certainly does not exist in a single-gender vacuum.
These are questions that need to be brought up and answered, both by the college-aged gaming public and by people of both genders. Progress might have difficult issues to tackle, but it certainly does not exist in a single-gender vacuum.
My desire to tackle
this part of the topic has been prompted by my interest in Literary Research.
One of the things I have to be aware of now, even in regards to pop-culture
subjects like games, is to dig into all sides of issues and how they impact
multiple groups and student sub-cultures.
So where does this
leave you, the college-aged gamer, regardless of your gender? Sound off in the comments section below!
I liked your point about the Princess from the Mario games always being in a sort of "damsel in distress" scenario, and how that could be seen as demeaning to women. Honestly, I feel like Mario should just check his privilege...I mean, as a plumber risking his life (disposable) for the royalty of Mushroom Kingdom (no privilege here).
I actually wanted to talk more about that, however given that the point of that subject was her /in game character/ I wasn't sure if THIS blog was the right place to being it up?
Still, it's an interesting game dynamic that has been played up between Mario and Peach for decades now.
My main comment is what do the male counterparts wear? If all the men are scantily clad, then whatever. If the men are dressed for battle and the women are given two strips of fabric, we have a problem. The developers choose to objectify and sexualize the female characters. It's silly to slut shame a fictional character who doesn't choose what she does. It's important to dissect the developer's choice of why the character is dressed they way they are and why the male characters are dressed differently.
I think it is interesting that you brought that up on the Facebook page where I posted this - the fact the subject of this blog was because of a Kojima game is ... interesting. Kojima actually DOES have his male characters be just as sexualized as his male characters. Rather /weirdly/ too.
But yes, the idea of bringing up the designers is a good one. However, what then should be said about the (say) female gamers who want to dress up like X character? I think as a male gamer I don't care one way or the other, but I can see where opinions become complicated when extra-game designs come into play - merchandise, cosplay, etc...
I think it is interesting that you brought that up. On the Facebook page where I posted this a good point was raised: the fact the subject of this blog was because of a Kojima game is ... interesting.
You make a good point. Female characters are, without a doubt, more sexualized as time goes on. I mean, look at the development of Cortana from the first Halo through the series. While it can be argued Halo 1's first Cortana isn't sexualized because of the inability of the original XBOX to communicate it properly (I call bull on that one; Lara Croft pulled it off just fine with her twin balloons and tight outfits), there is no doubt that the most recent version of Cortana is much more feminine and sexualized. It's hard to argue the sexualization since the women ARE empowered; it seems the more powerful the woman, the more sensual she is. I've always been of the opinion that sexualized characters help a player work harder at a game. After all, what better way to emotionally tie a player into a game than offering the possibility of rescuing or working alongside said sexual character? I don't think people would have worked as hard to rescue Ashley in Resident Evil 4 or Cortana in Halo if they weren't somehow emotionally tied to that character (we will ignore the fact that you HAVE to do that to play the game; rationale isn't really a factor in the heat of the game).
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