Thursday, October 4, 2012

The battle of the immune system

The battle between my immune system and all the pathogens and factors that can cause one to become ill has been wagered already for this semester. My immune system lost this time. Now i'm plagued with a sinus infection. 
                I take these giant antibiotic pills twice a day. I still attend class every day mostly because I have a deal with one of my parental units that if I attend every class session for each class for the whole semester, I get a hundred dollars in my pocket. I've always been more susceptible to getting sick because of my asthma and other factors I don't truly understand.
            This led me to be extra cautious when I first entered college last year. I had a box of things to help keep my health up and such. I managed to go through one semester and most of the last semester without getting ill. The link has some tips are staying healthy in the dorm. 

3. Keep your room clean!
“Dorm rooms can be a breeding ground for all kinds of germs. It's communal living, so you usually have roommates and suitemates, and germs spread fast. Also, many dorms are used year-round for summer sessions and other educational programs, so when you first move in, you don't know how clean it really is and who lived in it last.” – Susan Ott
*Don’t clean your room for Health and Safety’s. KEEP it clean ALL semester!

--Another tip was about caffeine but I haven't been following this as caffeine is the only way to for me to function this week.

this is a picture of myself at work. all sickly. 

My current antibiotics aren't  doing their job 
but it looks like i'm going to get some new ones soon! and
start getting back to full health instead of being a blob who sleeps between classes and only sees sunlight when I have to go to work or class. 
My blog's should be more interesting after that. Since the only people I interact with is my roommates and the cast of the O.C and lastly my co-workers. 


1 comment:

20-something girl. said...

Something that kind of goes along with keeping your room clean is to make sure that you wash your bedding semi-regularly! Think about how many nasty things could start growing and living in the same place where you sleep!

Also, replace at least SOME of the caffeine with WATER! I may or may not be slightly addicted to Dr Pepper, but I try to replace at least one DP craving a day with a glass of H20. :)

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