Friday, October 5, 2012

Moving Day(s) part 2

This past weekend I moved from my apartment close to the UT Tyler campus off into the wild green yonder.... No, not really. I just moved into an apartment downtown with some friends. Anyway, as promised I am coming back with loads of hindsight from my move.

  • First, always check on the weather before you pick the last possible chance to move. My lease was up on September 30th so it was the weekend I chose to move. However, it was also the weekend the sky decided to open up with some lovely rainy weather. This is not the best when moving large pieces of furniture.
  • Second, always have a friend with a truck. In this case this friend happened to be my parents. It would have been impossible to move any of my furniture without it as I drive a small and MANAGEABLE 4 door car.
  • Third, never underestimate the power of a tarp. since it was going to rain my first instinct was to buy a good waterproof tarp to protect my belongings from the weather during transport. This was probably the best investment I have ever made in regards to moving.
Moving during the middle of a school semester can be a very eventful / stressful ordeal. However, if you do the exact opposite of what I did and do a decent amount of planning beforehand you might actually make it out without any disasters occurring.

Life Cheat #49506: Hindsight may be 20/20 but mine is much worse so... YEAH.... I got nothing.

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