Monday, October 22, 2012

I still have a laptop!

Last Thursday, I took a long, spur of the moment road trip to Lubbock. For those of you who don't know, that's nearly an 8 hour drive from  UT Tyler. So, in order to make it on time, I went to my first class- Creative Writing - then I hit the road! I wasn't necessarily rushed, because I had enough time to get there.  I was just being very aware of my time.

I was about 1 hour down the road when I realized that I had left my laptop in my classroom in the Business Building! It also happened to be between 12-1, AKA Lunch Hour, when I had this realization. I knew that I couldn't turn around to go get it, so I just hoped that it would still be plugged into the wall where someone could go get it for me!

My mom called me when she was headed back to campus, and I quickly explained what had happened. She was a huge help, and went and found my computer still plugged into the wall - exactly where I left it! I felt SO lucky and relieved, because there had been 2 classes in that room since mine had ended! This was definitely not an ideal situation, but I then made it to Lubbock safely, and my computer traveled home with my mom. 

So, I know that I will be MUCH more conscious of my belongings from now on, and I hope that you will do the same!  

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