Monday, April 30, 2012

Too much!

"The best insurance policy for tomorrow is to make the most productive use of today."

I will give you a golden nugget of advice for you, do not take 5 senior level classes, 2 of those being online classes, in one semester. I'll do you one better, don't take 4 senior level business classes in one semester... my goodness... the group projects. One thing I have to look forward to is I will never ever have to work in a group again... wait... yes I will, except for more pressure and responsibility added onto it. Then I guess don't take my nugget of truth, because honestly, if school wasn't hard it wouldn't be worth anything. A degree that is gained easily isn't a degree worth printing, this semester has been difficult, but that's what you want in your school. You want to be challenged, you need to be challenged, or you will go into the workforce and crumple like a worthless degree printed out on a sheet of tissue paper.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree. Cheating does the same thing. You've inspired me.

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