Sunday, April 29, 2012

Things Not To Say To a History Major... Especially during Finals Week

Yes ladies and gentlemen... That is Teddy Roosevelt fighting Sasquatch. The only way this could be more American is if Sasquatch was replaced with Jane Fonda. Anyway, fellow blogger Megan Allen recently wrote about things you should never say to an English Major the week before finals. I read it, laughed with it, and agreed with it to its entirety. Liberal Arts Majors have always been misunderstood or shunned as lower majors in comparison to things such as engineering and that whole nursing thing this school has
 (One of the best around I might add).

 History majors get a lot of flack as well for seeming to be an easy major. to all of those who are agree with this I have some bad news for you. There is no such thing as an easy major. Each field of study has the same relative amount of work that goes along with it. So here is my short list of things not to say to a History Major... Especially during finals week.

1) Never tell us our major consists in anyway of "story time"

What we study everyday are events that actually occurred. Not fictitious stories such as the story of Paul Revere or how George Washington was perfect (of the 9 major battles he fought during the American Revolution he won 3). If you say this to any history major they will most likely end your very existence on the spot... Especially during finals week.

2) Never tell us we're lucky for not having to study as much for finals

Shut your mouth. you have no idea the amount of writing we have to do inside and out of class. Research and the papers that go along with such only scratch the surface.... We've seen things you people wouldn't believe!

3) Don't tell us how intense this years Presidential Election is

You know nothing of political rivalry or intense elections

In the end I think the overall message is that you shouldn't ever put someone else's major down. Especially when people who study history are better than you in every way... And sexier.

And now the complete history of the Soviet Union.

Life Cheat #4782: When arguing with a loved one you should concentrate on the present situation and never bring up the past.

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