Sunday, April 29, 2012

Alpha Phi Omega

At the beginning of the semester, the organizations all get together for a campus event
and display themselves 
to the incoming freshmen in hopes that they will join their group. They present you with information about their organization, candy, sticky notes and other shiny materials with their organization name printed on it. That way, you remember them later when the chaos and nervousness of taking college classes.

We have a number of organizations on campus. Most of the student workers of this blog are in one or more student organization.I had my pick of organizations to choose from. My big thing in high school was that I was apart of organization which became more of a family over the 6 years that I was apart of it. That organization was AVID (Advance Via Individual Determination). AVID is "a college readiness system for elementary through postsecondary that is designed to increase schoolwide learning and performance." according to their website. Volunteering was a key part of 
the organization as it looks good on your college applications.

            My ears perked up at the mention that an organization had Jimmy Johns sandwiches. I jumped on the opportunity for free food. If you don't know already, the way to get college students to come to something,is to offer them free food, and they come like moths. We sat in the a presentation room in the third floor of the University Center, snacking on the sandwiches as the head of the organizations explain to us what Alpha Phi Omega was. Which is a service fraternity but really acts more like a service organization. That's when they reeled me in.  After the presentation we went to dinner and set a reminder to go to the meeting at Wednesday at 5. I managed to stick with it for both semesters and now it looks like this baby petitioning group will be a chartered by Fall 2012. Finger's crossed. 

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