The UT Tyler Athletics Department has developed a creative, inventive, and fun program to reward students for their support at the Patriots' home events in all sports. The program, The Patriot Nation Student Reward program, gives UT Tyler students points for every event they attend. These points obtained by the student can earn prizes such as concessions coupons, pint glasses, dri-fit t-shirts, and a hoodie. The program officially kicked off on Tuesday, January 17, 2012.
"Support from our students give us a huge boost at home games," said Jameson Adams, coordinator of athletic marketing. "This is going to be a great program to both encourage attendance and to reward our students who attend games. We're going to have some great prizes."
How to Join: Students are able to join the program by visiting the Patriot Nation booth at any UT Tyler home event. We'll be set-up near the ticket booths in all sports. $5 will be the cost of signing up and receive your official membership card, a key tag, and the BioLife Plasma Patriot Nation t-shirt.
To Earn Points: To earn points, members have to show their membership card or key tag that will be scanned at the “Patriot Nation” booth when arriving to the game. You get an extra point if you're wearing your official Patriot Nation t-shirt and we'll also have the occasional double or triple point days.
The Point System:
1 point - Men's Basketball, Baseball
2 points - Women's Basketball, Softball, Men's & Women's Soccer
3 points - Volleyball, Men's & Women's Tennis, Golf, Cross Country and Track/Field.
What are the Rewards?
P...5 Points
$5 Gift Certificate at Concession Stand.
A...20 Points
Patriot Nation pint glass.
T...35 Points
Patriot Nation dri-fit t-shirt.
S...50 Points
Patriot Nation hoodie.
Other Rewards consist of monthly raffles and grand prize drawings for an iPad for “S” member.
If lost? No problem, a replacement card is only $2. If you have any more questions feel free to contact us at the Patriot Nation booth at every game or e-mail us at patriotnation@uttyler.edu.
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