Friday, January 20, 2012
How to survive without a support system part 1
For as long as I can remember I've sort of been on my own, and its as true today as it was at 18. That isn't to say that I don't have awesome people in my world and that my parents aren't amazing, because I do know awesome people and my parents are wonderful, I just seem to always have to be the one to be my own support system. College can be a scary thing for a lot of young people, you've been with the same people in school your whole life, and been with your parents through a large percentage of that time. Now all of a sudden you're out of highschool, everybody's moving away, and now you're expected to as well, so what do you do? I know a lot of people commute from their parent's house, that's a credible option, some people follow their close friends to whatever college they've chosen to be with your friend/significant other. But let me tell you my golden rule, never drastically change your life/world for another person, move to a college with your girlfriend/boyfriend, you break up... now what? You're stuck at a school you might have never wanted to go to if it wasn't for that person... so is it worth it? I'm going to be doing a series of blogs for the next week or so just documenting some of my journeys through the difficult life of self reliance. I hope you stick around and follow it and see that the world isn't so tough and you take that risk to mush out into the world on your own, happy travels.

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