Sunday, January 22, 2012

Friday Classes on the Balcony

Friday, after a four hour marathon of classes, I was outside collecting myself. Another lady had some territory out there with me, at her own table by the wall. I could faintly hear the murmur of canned laughter coming from her laptop, but I was deep in my own head.

One of my professors from earlier in the day joined me out there on the balcony.
He said something cheesy, like "Hey, I remember you."
He asked how I liked the class.
He made me feel comfortable to answer honestly.
He asked me what he should change.
He read more of my creative work.
He constructively commented on it.

This scene happens frequently with all of them. 

I have been very fortunate to be at a medium sized school (6700 students) that enables one-on-one learning with any professor. Every professor has office hours and remains accessible all over campus.  They promptly and thoughtfully answer emails. Many of them give out their personal phone numbers to call or even text them.
Mostly, the thing that really moves me is that they expect me to learn it. That level of confidence they have in me is sometimes the push I need to keep learning, writing, and just doing. I need it.
This is my department. :)

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