Tuesday, July 23, 2013

First Day Of Class At UT Tyler

With the first day of the fall semester at the University of Texas at Tyler approaching fast it’s time for all you first time Freshman to start getting ready. For most of you this is your first time away from home and won’t have someone to wake you up and shoo you off to class in the morning. This is a major transitional period in your life when you are given most of the freedoms of adulthood while having the innocence of adolescence ripped out from underneath you. Now is the time to begin prioritizing your time and learn what it really means to be an adult.

This almost never happens in college.... Almost...

Upon entering your teenage years most of you probably experienced this: all these new adult responsibilities are thrust upon you with none of the adult freedoms. You are encouraged to get a job to learn the meaning of a dollar while having a curfew you view as ridiculously early. Now that you are on the threshold of college, new freedoms never before realized are being thrust upon you. You and you alone are now free to chose when you go to bed, when you wake up, what and when you eat, how you wear your hair, when or how often you shower, as well as manner other equally freeing and disgusting things. Now most of these things should be figured out on your own (that’s not me, it’s just being an adult). However, I can help you prepare for your first day of college classes so it may set the tone for the rest of the semester and possibly the entirety of your college career.

The first thing that you should do is to set an alarm giving you plenty of time to do your morning routine and get to class in plenty of time. Let’s say if you live in Ornelas Hall and have an 8 A.M. class. The best thing in that situation would be for you to set your alarm for 7 A.M. giving you plenty of time to get ready and also grab some breakfast at The Met before class. Before you go about sitting your alarm it’s also important to get plenty of sleep before class.

Unless specified by the professor beforehand the only thing the first day of classes consist of is going over the class syllabus and making sure everyone is in the right place and knows what is going on. So, you don’t need to bring all your books to weigh yourself down for nothing. Simple pen and paper is most all you’ll need on your first day of classes. After that you should follow your class syllabus as to all the supplies you’ll need for the semester. Also, when class ends go up to the professor and introduce yourself and tell them your major. If there is anything that you take away from this let it be that getting to know your professor goes a long way in college.

With this general guide your first day of classes at UT Tyler should go smoothly. If you ever have any questions about anything you can always message us at the Call Center via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or simply email one of us Telecounselors. I can be reached at (903)565-6562 or email at psaikin@uttyler.edu. I hope you’re looking forward to this upcoming semester as much as we are here at the UT Tyler Call Center!

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