A Defense of Sci-Fi +
Critical Thinking --- PART 2
This time I’d like
to talk briefly about the power of Sci-Fi to talk about asking “Hey, what
exactly is a human, anyway?”
I got to take a Comparative
Religion course here at The University of Texas at Tyler with Dr. Krebbs. One
thing that was brought up was how humans look to various ideas and concepts to
unify themselves. This can be called religion, philosophy, and lots of other
Sci-Fi asks us, “How
do we physically define what the state of ‘human’ is?”
Big questions, I
know, but remember last time how we discussed those critical thinking skills
that college teaches us and how we can apply them to things OUTSIDE of class?
This question presents us with that opportunity!
Another course I
had with UT Tyler English Department Chair, Hui Wu, was focused on Asian
Literature. One concept we discussed here was the Chinese idea of REN – humanity
It expressed that our ‘human-ness’ is earned through actions, not wholly
through birth. Obviously, what does this have to do with sci-fi? One idea is that we as people and as a race are more than what we are born as. To become truly human we must work hard, promote goodness, help others, and in a sense 'earn' our soul. It is not something we are born with, but rather something we give ourselves irregardless of the meatsuit we come into this world with. This concept obviously provides some hiccups with Western notions of what being human is or is not, but the presents an interesting tie-in to one of my favorrite concepts in sci-fi ~
One of the biggest examples of science fiction are the idea
of machine-men, or men with mechanical parts, and similar concepts. A lot of
times these kinds of characters are displayed as villains, villains like TheBorg or Darth Vader.

But is this idea of being ‘more machine than man’ something
that is just science-fiction?
Enter the idea of Transhumanism! While this concept is
massive and encompasses countless ideas presented in video games, TV, movies,
and comics, the basic idea is this: in time the human race will change through
technology to be more than we were before technology. I am watering the concept
down but, at its heart, that is what the issue is.
Today we wear watched with enough PC power to send a man to
the moon. We are starting to develop Google Glass technology, pace-maker
implants that communicate with cell-phones, and prosthetic that work with our
nerves in the our brains. Even our blood has been engineered with anti-viruses
grown in labs and made under artificial conditions, thus ( to a degree )
meaning that anybody who has had a flu shot or a vaccine is a cyborg on the
basest level.
As we advance and grow, we start to find ourselves ( as
humans ) getting more and more integrated with
technology, sometimes
physically! What sci-fi shows are the dark-sides of this process, how we can be
afraid of what this series of changes will do to us …
… but it shows us the good side, too. Many famous sci-fi heroes
and characters are part-machine, or are integrated with advanced computers.
What happens when we see Darth Vader and Iron Man on screen? Do we think one is
evil because of his condition or because of his actions?
The movie Blade Runner is also one of the best examples of
just how deep this rabbit hole of a question of “What is Human?” can go.
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