Sunday, June 30, 2013

Different majors, different options!

Feeling stressed about what to choose as your major? Are your parents constantly asking what degree you will have and you’re completely unsure? Don’t stress! We can help you here!
You are not alone. There are others who are undecided as to what they should major in. The Student Counseling Center in the University Center helps students get an idea of what they might be interested in majoring in.
You will first make an appointment with the offices. You will take tests to see what you like and what your interests seem to be, such as the Myers-Briggs personality test. You will talk to licensed professional counselors about your hobbies, and where you may see yourself in the future.
No, these aren’t your typical high school aptitude tests where you answer 10 questions and automatically your life is chosen for you!

Your second appointment will be about your results, so you will go over it with them and discuss career options that cater to you. Once you have explored your options, you can make at least one follow up appointment with them to see what you liked the most.
Once you decide on a possible major, they will show you different degree plans that you can take.
Do you like art like sculptures and paintings? You can get a Bachelors of Fine Arts!
Do you see yourself as a business man driving a fancy car and suiting up? Oh look at that, we have different business majors like accounting, marketing, finance and business management!
So don’t freak out! We have your back! UT Tyler is a community of students and faculty that support you no matter what you’re facing. Take the first step in your path to success and explore your options!
You can contact the Student Counseling Center at 903-566-7254. Their offices are at the University Center Room 3170. Their hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Check out Keerin's blog about choosing a major at

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