Sunday, February 24, 2013

Broke college student heaven

       The other day, I decided that I would take a trip to The Dollar Tree here in Tyler. I was getting my oil changed, and it was going to be a while. So, I figured that instead of staying there for a few hours, I would walk over to the nearby dollar store.When I walked in, I noticed that it was much larger than any other dollar store that I have seen!
       So, me and my friends decided to walk around and see what kind of things that you could buy for a dollar. My eyes were opened up to a whole new world! I was wasting so much money before on certain things. This store had EVERYTHING, and I'm not even kidding. They had everything from batteries, to cups, to headphones to pretty much anything else you can think of. I felt like I was in college student heaven.
       I was there for at least a solid hour, and I bought so many things and I spent only a little bit of money. I loved going somewhere and not feeling bad for spending money! It was amazing.  If you ever are in need of something simple like batteries for a remote, bowls or plates, or even candy. There was so much candy, and it was all only $1..
       If any of you plan to ever save money, go to the dollar store. You will save a ton of money. You see, I'm trying to save up some money to go on a trip this summer, so I'm saving pretty much all of my extra money. Now that I've discovered the dollar store, I can finally buy school supplies and just stuff and still have money. I say its a win-win scenario for everyone.
        What's the best item that you've ever gotten for a dollar? Leave a comment below! :D


Anonymous said...

I like buying those little air fresheners that you can just twist open and they last for a long time at the Dollar Store! :)


Keerin said...

I like buying the toys there for dumb video props and party things. I bought an air horn once... I had lots of fun with that one. :D

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