Monday, September 10, 2012

Music + Me = LOVE

I finally enrolled into, and am now a part of the  UT Tyler Percussion Ensemble! I’m really glad I decided to add that course, because lets be honest, I can’t even go one semester without playing any kind of music. Music is what makes me feel happy when I feel lonely or sad or bored. If music didn’t exist, I would live in a constant state of boredom! Anyone who knows me knows that if I’m listening to music, I’m deep in thought, and don’t want to be bothered. But does that stop them? Haha, nope. But I feel like music is where my true passion and talent lies. Now don’t get me wrong, I do happen to be good at a lot of things, music just happens to be my favorite of them! Like I’ve probably said before, I’ve been playing instruments since I was in the fourth grade. In high school, I was on the drumline which, of course, was the most interesting part to play, and shall I say the most fun? Yes, and it was totally worth all of the sweat, hard work, and early morning practices.

      When concert season approached, I pretty much decided to stick to playing the marimba, unless it was a Sousa march, then I wanted to play bass. For those of you who don’t know who John Philip Sousa was, he was the man who wrote the Washington Post March, along with many many other famous marches. I’d say he is for sure one of the most famous music writers for concert band that there is in America! Anyways, if I could chose to do anything in the world at all, anything, then I would without a doubt play music in a symphony or something like that. But I’m nowhere near that level of skill when it comes to playing music, but I’d like to get there someday. Or maybe even compose music like the famous Michael Giacchino!

I’m very excited, needless to say, about what the upcoming semester has to offer me. I do have high expectations, and I will succeed at all costs. When I go to practice next week with the rest of the percussionists for the first time, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be really nervous. I’m excited to see what comes up for me next, and I’ll be sure to welcome it with open arms! 

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