After spending the whole summer living on campus, when it was all quiet, empty and extremely rare to see more than 4 people in a group around campus... the past week had been very odd; school has started again and there are suddenly people EVERYWHERE.
Gone are the days I rode my longboard freely on the empty roads, empty parking lots and unoccupied campus walkways. It has only been 3 days and there is already a campus-wide uproar about the lack of parking spaces. I now have to dodge frustrated students that can't find a parking spot. (But I guess they have it worse)
On another note, it is so great to see my friends again! As well as all the excited freshmen I met during orientation this summer. To think that I was them just a year ago!
So much catching up to do with my friends and so many new friends to make!
The last week of summer has been the most busy for me. It included transfer orientation, the final orientation session, move-in day, freshmen day of service and casino night. It was all great fun, of course, and to depict it better, here's a photoblog!
My fellow Orientation Leaders getting ready to help freshmen move in
Students checking in to University Pines
A freshmen and her mother about to unload her things for her dorm
Residence Life staff and OLs helping them out!
Freshman checking into O-Hall
Orientation Session 2
A freshman we just checked in
My group teamed up with another group for ice-breakers :)
A giant ice breaker at the UC Ballroom! Here, they are getting attacked by hawks :)
Freshmen Day of Service at the East Texas Food Bank
Casino Night
Swoopsation (First Day of Patriot Palooza)
The blog's booth at swoopsation! Yay! People got to fish for (melted) chocolate
Good bye, Summer of 2012! And here's to a great new academic year for everyone.

Hi Katrina,
I recommend you talk to Brian in Student Affairs about getting your pics added to the 85" Glass Touch Screen that is in the UC!
Don Kerr
Awesome pics and blog post!
Megan- Thank you!
DonKerr- Thanks for that and I'll look into that!
rkelly- Thank you, so glad you liked it :)
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