Friday, May 4, 2012

PSA to all incoming freshmen

The end of semester is near which means it's time for the newbie to reflect on completing my first year of college. It's had it's ups and downs but I survived with all my limbs with a couple scrapes and bruises and bags under my eyes.
             The biggest thing I learned that is important for freshmen is a strong support system to help us remain standing as we lose sleep doing class work in the wee hours of the night when only the infomercials play and adapting to living on our own. The first thing you should try to do is get involved in the campus community and make friends in your classes and to get a head start, for the overachievers, try and make friends at orientation. You'll definitely see this people on campus again and possibly in your classes.The worst thing to be in college is being shy. It gets you nowhere.
    You must make your name and create connections with other students, university workers and professors. This is mostly because sometime in the near future, you will need a letter of recommendation or someone to use as a reference. It's absolutely no fun sitting alone in the MET or Chick-fil-A.Whilst the next table is a loud energetic group of hooligans cracking jokes who are slightly annoying to the other students who are trying to eat peacefully. It's easy to lock yourself in your room and sleep the days away and not attend class. It also easy to lock yourself in your room with your homework and only leave to eat and go to class. You are in charge of what you do.
     Nobody is forcing you to go class. That sense of freedom can be the bane of existence from most college students especially freshmen. You are free to do whatever you want in the late hours of the night and deal with the aftermath the next morning or forever. You finally our responsible for making your own decisions. The thing is with this freedom comes a weight that is now on your shoulders instead of your precious responsibilities bestowed on you by your parents of making the right decisions and not the wrong decisions for you. You can easily not go to class, but if you want to pass your classes then it's in your best interest to go to lectures and labs. Quite a few professors don't base what they teach off the assigned book but rather test on the information from the lectures. While there are professors who go by the book to an exact t and yet have mandatory attendance to classes or it will reflect on your grade. Both examples of professors that I've encountered here at this university. My fellow blogger and co-worker Courtney Sheets blogged on the same subject with her own definitions of the different professors here.

 Anyway back on subject, I'm really just warning all of ya'll that when you get college and meet a big scary monster named Irresponsibility and his cousin, Procrastination.  Do not let them wrap you up in the thrills and fun that they offer and resist the awesomeness of late night  trips to Whataburger and Walmart runs. You can hang out with Irresponsibility and Procrastination every once and awhile when you don't have a pile of homework waiting for you in your room or a class lecture/lab to attend. You will have free time if you do some time management. 

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