Friday, May 4, 2012

It's official!

So I got a nice piece of mail today, according to The University of Texas at Tyler I will officially be receiving my degree, after a loooong 6 year journey. It feels so surreal to soon be out on my own, without having to make a schedule or follow it for the next half of the year.

It's also great to go out on a high note as well, not that I earned any special award or anything but I did receive recognition from one of my professors for being one of the best presenters of the class, in a classroom filled with marketing seniors I'll take that small victory. Unfortunately I could not replicate my Father who graduated Cum Laude from his university. Not for any real reason, I'm plenty brilliant enough for it, just far too lazy to pursue it... ah my Achilles heel, my great laziness.

 I regret nothing, but I do wish I could have taken part in this school and it's environment more, spent some time around the campus, taking in the sights, and saw how many people are out doing things and I really didn't take advantage of any of it. Get out there and experience life my friends, I'm off to adult world, time for my one final.

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