Monday, May 7, 2012

Graduate status cemented

Well faithful readers, I have conquered my final that basically decided my passing grade. I still have one more final to take but the margin for error is a lot higher for that one. This test was a CLOSE one, I basically passed by 15 points, 600 total points was needed to have a passing grades, I scraped by with 614.... a little too close for comfort for my tastes, but I'll take it! Not only that, but I have defeated the specter of another failed class, the first time I took this class I made around a 32, didn't even show up for the final due to being absolutely defeated by it. But since then I have been growing and learning, becoming mightier and mightier, and I have vanquished my old foe, replacing my F with a... C, respectable... oh p.s. Operations Management... I win!

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