Monday, May 7, 2012

Cram-tastic Monday

As we all know, today is the last dead day before finals, which start tomorrow. For a lot of us, that means... cramming. It doesn't matter that you've had a week to look at everything (like I did). No, that was sleeping/eating out/happy fun time. Now it's time to digest all that we've neglected in order to face finals in about 12 hours. All the bulleted lists, sticky notes, faded sheets of notebook paper come out and it's a race against the clock. At some point, we've all done it. So long as nothing looks unfamiliar, chances are you're fine and just panicking, like I often do. Yours truly has 3 finals in the morning, the first of which is at 8 a.m. Luckily, there's a pretty large gap in between the second and last final I have to take, so it's not all that bad. More studying time, no?
I'm up for the challenge, though. I'm confident I can do a good enough job studying, but I'm going to need a good night's sleep to be ready. I'm not one to pound energy drinks to get through the day; I'd rather get a good amount of sleep. I find it helps me remember things a lot better than when I jittery or sugar-high. I read somewhere a while ago having protein to start your day is a good way to be energized, which is why I have peanut butter toast before a test. So, so long as I've got my toast and a full night of sleep, I'll be more than fine.

Hopefully, the first day of final exams will go off without a hitch for all of us. If anything, we can all at least hope for the best. Good luck, everyone!

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