I am in such.... pain, its as if my body has been assaulted by sledge hammer wielding jackalopes. Forget what I said in my last blog... working out is NOT making me feel better! BUT, I was well prepared for this when I decided to start doing p90x again, all the pain is really telling me is how far I've fallen down my mountain of achievement. At my peak no workout would leave me sore, let alone catatonic. It's really a sad state of things when you can't even muscle forth the effort to put on pants and have to wear gym shorts everywhere. But that's the lesson I leave you with, don't take your health for granted, this temporary pain I face now is magnitudes easier than the pain I would have to endure as an older man. That's always been my goal, to look forward to my twilight years in a healthy light, not having to worry about a lot of medical issues brought on by a sedentary lifestyle. But I'm rambling, I just felt like... talking to somebody about it.
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