My co-worker Megan Allen posted about her favorite study spot here: http://go2uttyler.blogspot.com/2012/01/inspired-by-school-please-hold-your.html
I've decided to join on this as the time I spend not at work or class is mostly spent studying. I often have dates with my history and accounting textbooks till very late at night. I like being in high populated areas when I study which I think is because I get tired of being cooped up alone in my double with no roommate at Ornelas Hall.
My study spot here on campus is also my favorite people watching spot on campus which is on the Harvey decks. I'd really like to study leaning on the trees near the University Center but that didn't work out to well. The pain of getting up after some odd number hours studying the wonderful aspects of the Native Indians before the Europeans was not worth it. So I settle with oddly sitting(body half out of my seat and legs setting on chair across from me)at one tables of Harvey Deck.
The people watching aspect is the added plus for me about this spot because it's actually not that of a populated area but it gets quite a bite of foot traffic. I like studying at the University Second floor also because it is also a good people watching area but the smell of the food and coffee just makes me hungry and too unfocused to do homework.
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