Thursday, January 19, 2012

Actually Inspired by School?

Having the entire afternoon to read and write on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons allows me to get in some quality homework time. I know, I know. Studying isn't supposed to be fun, but now that I am in classes that pertain more to my future, I have been really inspired. I even opened my wallet for good pens and new notebooks to take notes. Wait, I'm actually taking notes.
I love my major. 

My favorite place to study is the third floor of our new University Center. The area has big chairs and tables to set up to pour over a book or write a paper. I never have to decide between my netbook and my phone, because I have access to as many plugs as I need.  The upstairs area of the UC is like sitting outside, but with a bit more protection from the elements. The warm sunlight shines down on me from the ceiling wide skylight. I believe it energizes me, as well as the caffeine from a Starbucks mocha. Life is good.  It makes me forget Washington Irving is not me favorite American writer, and gives me the opportunity to practice the rhetorical possibilities of understatements.  

My favorite part of college, officially, is the ability to have a choice my classes and times. I have had 8am classes, night classes, and independent study classes. I am so thankful college has taught me about my own learning habits and what works well for me. It certainly helps that I've become "liberated" by my communications class, and have a hand in making the syllabus (which is going on quite well, I should add).
When did I become responsible?
Did I mention I love my classes?

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