Personally, I believe college is an experience that everyone should go through. Making friends that will last a lifetime, understanding how to engage respectfully and successfully with people that may have different viewpoints about issues that are near and dear to you, learning how to cope with failures and disappointments which gives you the ability to persever, and basically transform from an individual that is very much dependent into a self-governing and self-sufficient person. In the process of maturing through different stages while in college, there are obstacles that you may come to that may prove to be difficult to overcome. Below is some questions that students that are in college may have to overcome and personal advice on how I would deal with those specific situations.
“I am hungry, what should I do? Burger King? McDonalds? Whataburger?”
No, no, no!!! You are going about this the wrong way. Keep your money in your pocket and get the bread out of the pantry and make you a PB&Jelly sandwhich or take a trip to the “MET” to eat. Remember, the object is to just get something in your stomach, not to get full.
“Awwww man, I am getting low on gas. Should I fill up or just put $15 in the tank?”
Once again, what are you thinking??? Wait to the gas light come on and then and ONLY then, stop to get some gas. In the meantime, take that 15 dollars and put it on your chemistry book.
“My girlfriend broke up with me for the 6th time and I have a broken heart. I do not feel like going to class today, so should I take the day off?”
Awwww, boooo who. GET OVER IT!!! She will come back to you just like she did the first five times and besides, the main reason of going to school is????? You guessed it, to actually go to school.
“I have a bad cough and it is causing my eyes to be watery. I might be getting sick, think I will call off from work.”Call off from work?
Listen, in college sick is defined as not being able to move effectively, vomiting, having a high fever WITH chills, or catching the swine. If you do not have those symptoms, go to work. You need the money and I promise, it will come in hand.
“I did not do as well as I thought I would on my physics test. I guess I will relieve some stress by going shopping.”
Uhhhh, what???? The way to relieve stress is go to the gym. You don’t go shopping every time something goes wrong. Get you a good workout in and “TADOWWW,” there you go. The stress is relieved, you get a good night’s sleep, and most important, YOU KEPT YOUR MONEY!!!!
P.S. We are not responsible for you getting salmonella from the peanut butter, running out of gas in the middle of nowhere, being single the rest of your life, getting everyone sick at your job (no worker’s comp for that), or pulling a muscle while working out. Good Day!!!
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