Friday, December 2, 2011

Ranking the week!

Here's how the days of my week rank and why.

1. Thursday - I was born on a Thursday. It's just always had a special place. Plus it gives that wonderful feeling of almost there (to the weekend) but just not quite. Thursday gives me hope.

2. Sunday - Don't know why but Sunday has always been one of my favorite days of the week. Probably because it's so relaxed and a good time to sit back with friends and family.

3. Saturday- Need i explain? Wake up late. No school, no work, nothing. Just a day to chill, eat, shop, whatever.

4. Friday - The day of relief. All the hard work of the week ends and you can breathe a sigh.

5. Monday - First day of the week. Exciting new things at school, work, or any professional setting usually take place on a Monday. The down part is, Monday is the beginning of a journey. I find myself wishing Sunday was longer.

6. Tuesday - Well it's a Tuesday, what can you say. Just the second day of the week. Maybe I'd like it more if I was born on a Tuesday.

7. Wednesday - Wednesday gets the least love from me. Its the middle of the week. Just long and boring. It's also usually my busiest day. Sorry Wednesday, you got the short end of the stick.

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