Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Sociology Article Summary....chilling.

I must say that today in one of my sociology classes I've learned something very interesting. Our teacher had printed up an article, from a long while ago, and brought it into class today and lectured over it. The article was from a Journal called Violence and Victims and was written in 2004.
The article summerized FBI statistics regarding the death of children at the hands of their parents and concluded that step-parents & biological parents kill differently.
The results showed that step-parents more commonly slay a child by beating or bludgeoning them to death, and usually there is an emotion of anger, resentmen, bitterness, or rage experienced by the step-parent.
Biological parents, on the other hand, commonly use methods of shooting or aphixiation, in which the death is quicker and not as painful. The emotion attached to these killings are usually ones of trying to rescue their child from certain pains and experiences later on in life. In other words, a "mercy killing."

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