Sunday, November 7, 2010

Alpha Chi Honors Society

I checked through my Patriot e-mail a few weeks ago & found a membership request from the Alpha Chi Honors Society. I've never been in an honors society before. I read through the e-mail and found appeal in that I would be one of those students who will graduate in the top 10% of their class. I've always believed the top 10% was comprised of REALLY smart, social, wealthy, organizational driven students. I don't really fit into these categories, but at the same time, I feel a sense of accomplishment that such a society made up of honors would extend an invite to me. I read on further and the e-mail basically promised me that all my dreams will come true, and that I will never go jobless or want for anything ever again. SOUNDS GOOD. Even the fee to join wasn't as bad as I imagined. Only $55. This goes towards a few extra honorary items such as a certifacate, a gold seal on my diploma, a lapel pin, and a ceremony where I get to have my name and major put into a news release. :) My family is proud of my joining the society. I am too. And Dad said he was about to cry on the phone when I called to tell him.

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