Sunday, November 21, 2010


I'm a psychology major and so far have really enjoyed all of my classes. Some have been easy and some have been really hard, but overall I have really liked them all. My favorite so far has to be Psychopharmacology. Even though it has been one of the hardest classes I have ever taken, I have learned so much. I don't suggest taking it if you're looking for something easy to boost your GPA. None of the tests are multiple choice and you don't get a study guide. This means not only do you have to study all of the information really well, you have to be able to answer the question from memory instead of looking at the choices to trigger your memory. My least favorite class so far has to be Tests and Measurements. The professor is awesome and you can tell he really cares about his students, but the information is just really boring. Now don't get me wrong, I do find learning about the different tests very interesting. Like the Rorschach Inkblot Test or the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. What I don't find interesting is learning about the validity and reliability of a test and how it is standardized. I also don't find Item Analysis or Factor Analysis interesting either. I think only a select few people would. It's just all really new information because a lot of the psychology classes overlap, but with this class I have never heard or read about any of this stuff. Also, because I find this class in most parts uninteresting, it makes it very hard to study for. I just got done making a study guide for the test that I have after the break and it ended up being 13 pages, which means there is a lot of stuff I need to study. In the end it will be worth it because psychology is my passion and I can't wait to get my degree so I can get out there and make a difference!

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