Sunday, May 13, 2012

Summer..... at UT Tyler

........... And then all was silent. Not the tick-tacking of keys on a laptop. Not the pitter-patter of shuffling feet as they make their way to class. Nor the heated tension pouring from the minds of students pushing for that perfect final grade. Only the rustling of fallen leaves and the incessant squawking of ducks remain.

Here in the call center there is just fellow blogger Megan Allen and I. The others have either graduated or gone home for the summer break. We shall be joined by more soon but until then we shall blog about the happenings at and around the University of Texas at Tyler during the summer. Believe me. Stuff happens. Like this for instance.

Yes, finals are now over so go and treat yourself to a night out. There is always something to do around UT Tyler. 

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