Thursday, May 3, 2012

No More Math (for me) at UT Tyler

Today I walked into my Math classroom ready to take my final and be done with math classes for the rest of my life.... No more math classes for the rest of my life. It sounds better every time I say it. It was the first time I've actually walked out of a final with a smile on my face.

Well, I have 3 more finals to go (philosophy was optional so I said no thank you) 2 happening on Tuesday and the last one on Wednesday morning. This semester has been a wacky ride but it's semesters like these you learn the most from. Anyway, you won't be hearing from me until after finals so good luck to all of you on your finals. IT'S ALMOST OVER!!!

Because of copyright issues our next musical guest issued us the lyrics for us to read. (clears throat)


Life Cheat #2875: Turn signals save lives

1 comment:

Unknown said...

<3 Thanks for the book.

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