And this is how my saga comes to a close, my 5 something years in College has come to a conclusion and the climax is upon me. It's been a very strange and unique journey, graduated Highschool not too spectacularly and with zero college credit. Had to get an abysmal job paying $5.50 an hour and started going to the tiny building that was the branch of a community college for about a year. Since all of my friends went into the military I was basically solo for that year, which helped with me focusing on my classes and the horrible job. During the semester break I lost my job and that was the kick in my pants to move to the main branch of the campus and get out on my own.
Saved up a little money and decided to attend the main campus, so I moved off to Lufkin to continue my studies. On my own for the first time, never had a roommate, still didn't really have that many friends. But I met quite a few cool people and my current best friend there, so it wasn't all that bad. But I was so scattered while I went through my classes, I had no idea what my major would be, somehow I got an associates in science by accident. With no roommate I had to work a little more than average, I was always lucky to receive grants and my rent was low so that really helped a lot. But it didn't make life any easier, it's really difficult to just live off of grants and expect to survive comfortably, have to get a constant stream of income coming in. So I worked more horrible jobs, jobs that left me extremely tired and depressed, but everybody has to go through that, you have to work these horrible jobs so you can appreciate the great ones.
The first few times I went to Tyler I really wasn't paying attention to the surroundings, it wasn't until I had to come here for a surgery that I really looked at the city and I noticed how beautiful it is. And that was basically it, I applied to the University as a transfer student and was accepted shortly after. So I broke up with my girlfriend, packed my gear and moved to a bigger and nicer apartment in my beautiful city... Unfortunately this time around I absolutely knew nobody and my nearest support was nearly 3 hours away. So you have to get tough, you have to grow or you'll never make it. The first few months were extremely difficult, I remember having panic attacks just getting groceries, I had adjusted to having a support system in Lufkin and it had made me soft, I had to adapt or I would be crushed by life. I know there will be people reading this who are afraid to leave all they know and go to a new world with nothing but themselves to rely on, but I promise... you can do it.
If you're like me though... you need money, in large quantities. So I had to get yet another job to support myself, which you will too. Lots of luck on that, I went on about 5 interviews looking for a job, and on the last one, I was actually rejected for the job but promised a spot on an upcoming job position that was being created. So I had to tighten my belt and not eat as much until the position opened for me. And I feel extremely lucky to have been a part of this job, I've worked here the longest I have worked at any job BY FAR! Usually I would work at a place for a little while and then quit when I got my grant refunds. But I enjoyed this job so much, it's honestly the only one I've ever enjoyed, so I stuck with it. I'm very thankful to have been one of the founding members of the Student Communications Team, and 1 of the 3 last original members.

:'( We will miss you.
I'm all like sad and stuff now. Darn you Ely!
Oh Ely
Sand and moth cold
love springs taco sunshine
Morning blind tiger ketchup blue...
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