In my Retail class at the University of Texas at Tyler, we have the unique opportunity for real world experience. And that comes in the form of the retail lab, maybe you've seen it? The tiny market inside the business building that looks like a store? Yes that's the one, that's the retail lab, and it's main purpose is training us in retail management and retail marketing. I've had prior experience in a retail environment so I'm having to dust off a lot of my old skills, unfortunately slacking and sleeping in the break room is not part of the lesson plan so not all of my skills are transferable. It's a unique opportunity to be able to take what we are learning and apply it right then and there. I haven't had a lab class in a long time, and have never had a business lab, so here's to hoping it all works out!
I always wondered what that thing was! I'll try to get a picture next time I walk by.
That is really interesting... I shall make time to visit.
yes it is looking interesting.
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