I've been going to college for longer than I'd like to admit, at 3 different school locations, 2 different Universities, so for a classroom to be engaging and interesting is a major bonus in my brain, because after so many, they all sorta run together. But the classes I'm taking this semester so far have been the most engaging, and interesting classes that I've been fortunate to take. Mainly because of my International Marketing class, the subject would be one to easily fall into monotony and drudgery. That's certainly what I thought as I signed up for it, but my professor is rapidly changing my perspective on the subject. Today is the best example of why my mindset is changing, we taste tested different chocolates.... First was a typical Hershey's bar, something I'm sure we've all had as kids, the next was some... AWFUL chocolate. The teacher then explained to us that our cultural background changed what we wanted chocolate to taste like. Now be being a major Reeses fanatic I didn't like either, because peanut butter and chocolate is just too amazing, but it was very interesting to hear. As American's we typically like things that are sweeter, while Europeans really like the deeper/richer chocolates which are just too strong for my pallet to handle. It wasn't all about chocolate though, we went from just how our candy is different to basically how all of our social norms in America are different in almost every other culture in the world. Like how in Tibet, a young boy sticking his tongue out at you would be considered a sign of love and adoration, now if I am hired somewhere in Tibet I won't have to choke an employers kids. So in adoration let me say this to you...

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