I have to admit that I am a pretty mellow, “laid-back” person for the most part. With that said, something really has to grasp and take a hold of my attention for me to visibly show any true excitement and enthusiasm towards it. The most recent example of this is having the opportunity and pleasure to rehabilitate cancer survivors. This rare opportunity was brought to me by the Chair of the Kinesiology Department, T. Scott Marzilli, Ph.D. The thought of being able to make a difference for the better has always intrigued and fascinated me in a world that is sometimes inconsiderate, self-centered, and even egocentric. The first step to this once in a lifetime opportunity was overcame this past Saturday. It was mandatory for everyone involved with the rehabilitation of the survivors to be certified in CPR. Now that that long and grueling 5 hours is completed, the only thing standing in my way is passing a test that will include precautionary for the survivors while rehabilitating, hazards of the medicines that they are prescribed and how those effect the body while heart rates alter, and other “do’s and don’ts” when working with cancer survivors. The training for that will start this week and if all goes well, I will be doing my part in the next month to help better someone’s life. But no worries people, I will be sure to include you on the journey with me ;). TTYS….
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