Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Online Classes
I've never taken an online class before and this semester I'm taking TWO! And both are classes that are semi difficult and are the last two classes I need to graduate.... pressure! But I'm awesome, so it shouldn't be too awful, just a lot of things to keep up with, have to check in multiple times a day so you don't miss anything, and have to be a self motivator to make sure you're on top of everything, you can't slack off like you can in other classes, that's for sure. The first couple of days I kind of felt like kind of like that dog in the picture, but now that I'm getting into the rhythm it shouldn't be too bad like I said earlier. My other classes shouldn't provide too much difficulty to a man of my intellect, so yeah, let's see if I can pull off a few A's on my last semester, we got this!
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