work is about at a close.
I have spent the last five Halloween seasons volunteering for local haunted houses. I have spent three of those years with the Tyler Jaycees group and these past two years along side with the Noonday Fire Dept.
I must say that Halloween is not the same unless I can get together a costume, develop a make up theme, and volunteer every weekend in October to scare people. Needless to say, I don't participate in the Halloween party scene and I don't get to throw on a playboy costume with thigh high tights and heels.
But it's totally worth it. This year I am at Noonday's fire dept, which is located South on Hwy. 155. I love dedicating my time to them and their Haunt. We (the actors, volunteer fire personnel, parents, and volunteers) get fed wonderful catered food every night. We are paid with screams from patrons, hot cocoa, and plenty of memories. These are the things that keep me coming back each year and spending all my free weekend time standing in a very cold or hot room, depending on the weather. Sometimes it is very boring to be in between groups and waiting for the audience members to walk through your room. But the stories that come later that you disclose with your fellow ghoul are well worth the long, passing minutes waiting on your patrons to pay your scary room a visit. The pictures we take are definitely worth about 1,000 words here. ;)
Happy Halloween!!!
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