Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cats vs. Dogs

This is my sweet, precious and adorable cat named Runt, who I love dearly. I bought this electric blanket yesterday and she has fell in love with it. I have always been a huge animal person, I love both cats and dogs. I know a lot of people though only like one or the other which is crazy to me because both my cat and my two dogs bring a lot of joy to my life. People think cats are mean and that they don't like people, but really cats are just independent and don't need us like dogs do. Dogs out in the wild live in packs, so to them we are the pack leader, that's why they're easier to train because they want to please us. In turn we take that as love, but just because a cat doesn't need us in that way doesn't mean they don't want our affection or to be around us. Everytime I come home and sit down my cat is in my lap within about 5 minutes, wanting my love and attention. Also, research has shown that owning a cat can lower your blood pressure because it's very relaxing to have a cat sit in your lap and pet them. Just looking at that picture of my cat is soothing because it's cute. Don't get me wrong though I absolutely love my dogs and any dog in general, I just don't think cats deserve the bad reputation they get.

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