Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Haunted Railroad Crossing in San Antonio, TX

I thought since this is Halloween weekend that I would post a blog about some paranormal phenomena. Me and my boyfriend are planning to take a trip to San Antonio this weekend, and we were discussing our plans the other week about things that we would like to do. So he tells me about this Haunted Railroad in San Antonio that he went to a couple of years ago with his family. You can see the hand print of children who were killed on this track if you put baby powder on the back of the car and put the car in neutral while near the tracks. The spirits of the children are suppose to be the ones that are pushing you off the railroad. I googled this event and found lots of information. I found a link that tells the story and you can actually see the prints on the car if you do this. I also read about a lady who said her daughter e-mailed her pictures of ghost that were in the shots. I also found a YouTube video that the people of "Ghost Stories" interviewed a Sheriff you tells the true story of this event. I found this to be very strange and it freaked me out after reading and seeing videos about this. Usually I am not a person of ghost stories but I would like to see this for myself . So I decided when I return from my trip I will follow up on this blog. That way I can tell my own story.

Below are the links to the actually story of how this started and the death of the children, youtube video, and the pictures of ghost. If anyone has every done this you should comment on this blog and tell your experience, I would like to hear about it.

  • If you scroll down to the bottom of the first link then you can see other people's experience and photos of the ghost who are told to be the children ( pg. 2 and 3)

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