Monday, October 18, 2010

Great Weekend!!!!!

Happy Monday to everyone!!!! I hope everyone weekend was fun, adventurous, but most of all safe. My weekend was full of excitement and was exhilarating due to the fact that I was able to go back and visit some of my family that I have not seen in a long time. This weekend all of my family decided to go to Louisiana to have "family time" and bond. Friday we arrived there late night, more specifically around 11. The following day we woke up and ate breakfast and immediately started to have a good time. Kickball and basketball were some of the activites that we did but just enjoying each other company was good for the most, especially the "older group" as in they can just sit around and reminice about the "old times" and talk for hours without being bored and without needing any other form of entertainment. One of my favories, GUMBO, was made in the evening time to satisfy each of our appetites. After eating, plans were made for a busy Saturday night. The "older croud" decided to go to the casino while the younger croud decided to go downtown for a night on the town. Alot of things were did that night that we will put in the category of "family business" but all in all the weekend was great. Because of this great weekend, little sleep and rest was taken which is a reason why I am a little tired but no time for slacking, with an A and P test for both lecture and lab its time to hit the books. Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention that this week is the all importnat 'Homecoming Week'!!!!! More info in the near future about that to come....

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