Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wynona Judd and the Cowan Center

September 11, 2010 was the opening day for The University of Texas at Tyler’s Cowan Center. The Cowan Center is located on the northeast corner of the campus, at the intersection of Old Omen and Varsity Dr. Many events and acts have been performed here, including Bill Cosby, Don King, and The Producers. Former President George W. Bush will be here in October and Wynona Judd sung on opening day.

Wynona is a country singer who has been on stage for 25 years, she started in Tyler, but anyways this is not a biography on her. This is about her performance last night. Wynona sang about 12 songs and with a packed house, filled the Cowan Center with her amazing pipes! I was very surprised at out how well I enjoyed the concert. I was able to get three free, yes FREE, tickets to the show because I am a student of UT Tyler. Students receive free tickets to events, one per student, which makes the Cowan Center events a perfect place to take someone out on a date! (hint hint guys!) Everyone should attend the Cowan Center's events! If you are looking for more info you can visit their website here

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