Monday, September 13, 2010

Vacation Sawtooth

So this post is way late, but before the fall started way back in August I went on vacation to Idaho. It was pretty cool. My brother and I drove all the way from Tyler through various states to go hiking in Stanley, Idaho in the Sawtooth Mountains. Unfortunately we didn't see any bears or mountain goats, but there were several chipmunks and a weird rabbit/gerbal looking creature that screamed anytime you got near it. The mountains were pretty cool but the hike was insanely difficult to get to the lake, but that may have been because we had some pretty large packs. We attempted to swim in the alpine lakes there but the water felt like it was 40 degrees so that didn't really last long. We also went to the Coors brewery while we were coming back through Colorado. Coor's has a pretty big brewery and it's always nice to get some free beer. I was surprised when I found out they  make Killian's Irish Red and Blue Moon. It was a good vacation and definatley a nice week off before school started. Oh yeah, I took some video with my little mino so I'll try to post something a little later on.

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