Thursday, September 9, 2010

Favorite book?

The other day I was sitting in class and I saw a stack of papers, I grabbed them up and checked them out. They were students papers for one of those "get to know you" assignments, you know the kind, Whats your favorite food and what not. And one question was "Whats the best book you've read?" And to my shock 2 of the 4 papers had answered with Twilight.... Twilight? You're in college and the best book you've read is Twilight? Really? Am I missing something? I'm not sure but I think thats bad right? Isn't twilight written for like... teenagers? Highschool type kids maybe? I don't want to offend anybody but if twilight is one of the best books you've ever read, a book thats been lampooned by major writers such as Stephen King... I don't think thats a good thing. Now I mean I know we all live in glass houses, so its best to not throw rocks. My favorite book is "The Zombie Survival Guide" and I'm also a guy... so maybe I just don't get the Twilight phenomenon, and honestly, I kind of don't want to.

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