Friday, August 6, 2010

What does it mean to us to be immortal?

So as I look around, watch TV, listen to people talk, I notice that people are in a struggle to achieve some kind of divine immortality. No one wants to get old or gain weight or get darker/lighter. Human beings have always wanted to live forever; this isn't news. However, no one's going about it the way they used to. There's no grand journey to some kind of magical spring or trying to find some enchanted fruit. No, people nowadays are trading cold hard cash for an attempt at an immortal something, be it beauty, wealth, love, whatever. For example, some will spend thousands-- no, millions-- of their personal wealth to voluntarily be anesthetized and carved up until they look a certain way or become a moving, breathing amalgamation of plastic, steel, and silicone. In a matter of hours, the have achieved what they believe to be some kind of immortal beauty, forget the fact that they have to pay a little extra for a nip here and a tuck there. However in those hours, they trade a little bit of their humanity for something that is so much more lasting. After all, steel doesn't degrade for decades, plastics last forever, and silicone, in whatever form, will outlive most everyone on this planet. So really, there is some truth in gaining immortality through these means. But really, can what is left be called human in the aftermath?

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