Friday, August 6, 2010

5k training time

So the Tyler Rose Marathon is coming up, in the fall, I think October ish area? I'm pretty excited, I've never been in a 5k or anything like that. The other day I was able to run what I think was 3 miles without taking a single break or anything like that. I'm not quite sure how far I went though, I was in the park and the distance markers are all different... So yeah I need to go to the track and count how many laps I do or hit a treadmill to see how far I can go. Regardless, thats the farthest I've ever been able to run without stopping, and I owe a lot of thanks to the p90x for helping me get my endurance up. I have wrangled a lot of my friends into running the 5k and a few are going to do the half-marathon so I won't be alone. I will more than likely make a vlog out of the upcoming weeks as I try to become even more incredible. Much adorned love to you, my faithful followers.

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