Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hide Ya Kids, Hide Ya Wife, and Hide Ya Husband!

Okay, hopefully you have not seen this clip I am about to post and more importantly, hopefully you will decide not to read the remainder of this blog, keep your competence, and read someone else's blog. Okay, you've received a fair warning....

NOW, obviously by reading this you've decided to indulge in this nonsense the will follow. Apparently in Hunstville, Alabama a man broke into a family's home attempting to rape a young woman while her children and brother were in the home. Her brother heard her sister yelling and met the intruder who was tussling with his sister and threw him off of her. Here is where the story becomes silly... WAFF News interviewed Kelly and Antoine Dodson (the woman and her brother mentioned above) about the attacker and received their responses. Here is the interview in full.

I'm not sure how, but this interview immediately became a web sensation on Youtube. Friends began sharing the interview with other friends, posting the video on Facebook and other social media outlets. Then the interview took on a whole 'nother spin... it became a song! A group named Auto-tune the News remade the interview into a song with the popular Auto-tune audio processor and it become a monster unto itself! People were downloading the song at insane rates, totalling over 7 million hits on Youtube, and eventually Apple bought the rights to the song and put it on ITunes for everyone to download at a low price of $1.29 (Hint of saracasm here, but can you believe Apple and Steve Jobs decided to purchase this song?? When Steve Jobs gets involved, you know its Official. It's something like the 'Oprah Effect' or when you announce a relationship on Facebook.) Here is the interview-turned-song, or more commonly known as the "Bed Intruder Song."

Granted the interview and song are hilarious!! There is no doubt about that; otherwise, why would over 7 million people visit Youtube to watch the video (please, don't answer)? But the reality is, how completely inane is it that anyone can become a video sensation and receive world-wide fame by acting so foolishly? And beyond that, why do we as a viewing audience feed into these frenzies and then mushroom them until they become some sort of a cult hit? Do you think I'm overexaggerating? Well, Antoine Dodson now his own website called Antoine's World where he allows subscribers ask him questions such as "will you marry me?" (to which he responded "it depends how big the ring is!") and "have you made any money from all of this?" Antoine now finds himself engulfed in 'fame' and participating in several photoshoots, commercials, and radio shows. For what?!?! Lol because you can "Run and tell that! Run and tell that! Hide ya kids, hide ya wife, and hide ya husband..."

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