Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Sincere Apology

I would like to apologize to everyone for my recent blog post about our new P2 cards. In this post I talked up the new all-in-one P2 card, and even posted a picture of how sleek and sexy it looked.

In my defense I hadn't seen these awful little cards yet. While the features are all there, it's "there" that is the problem. The front has the same flat texture as those old IDs we had, which means all of that credit card text is not stamped into the card. Yes, it is just printed on ink which will fade over time. Sounds reliable huh?

I know we're all trying to save money these days, but come on.


Anonymous said...

Or the fact that our credit card information will be printed right on the front, and the education majors (like myself) have to wear these around our necks for the world to see, and you have to leave these with the monitors (students) when you enter a computer lab.

I'll thank UT Tyler in advance for my identify theft.

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